Warehouse Slip Trip and Fall Injury Prevention

slip-and-fall accidents are the number one workplace injury
  • 22 percentof incidents resulted in 31+ days away from work
  • 85%工人的赔偿要求归因于员工在光滑的地板上滑行
  • 在加利福尼亚,伤害解决方案payoutsfrom slip and fall lawsuits range from $40,000 to more than $12 million


  • 托盘碎片和其他碎片会产生危险条件
  • 分心的工人携带盒子或拾取名单可以忽略其路径中的障碍物
  • 穿着皮革裙鞋的来访工作人员可能会滑倒在尘土飞扬的地板上

The best way to keep your floors safe for employees and visitors is withcleaning equipment专为仓库和配送中心设计 -不是拖把和扫帚

FSMA Requirements: Why Clean Floors are Essential for Food Processing Plants


Food沙门氏菌,大肠杆菌和单核细胞增生李斯特菌的污染实际上增加了in recent years - from 28 percent of food recalls to over 31 percent. With all the rules and requirements, how is this still a problem?


Drop the Mop!Save Time and Get Cleaner Floors With a Power Scrubber. Sticky sodas and greasy drips create a safety hazard for employees and make a poor impression with customers. Things run better in a clean environment, but it can be hard to maintain.

即使是低流量的走廊,也积累了令人惊讶的污垢,无法用拖把去除。休息室和大厅通常是糟糕的两倍。用拖把和肘部润滑脂保持地板很耗时,而无法获得像一个地板一样干净的地板floor scrubber machine



Commercial cleaning equipment可以在某人手动扫描或擦洗该区域的时间内消除污垢,灰尘,油脂和污垢。当今的自动灌木丛和工业清扫机窃窃私语,拥有持久的电池,并消除了与拖把和扫帚有关的安全危害。

Time is money, and if you have a large area to keep clean, mops and brooms are inefficient. They also:

Industrial cleaning equipment can quickly pay for itself。了解有关使用拖把或扫帚使用商业地板清洁机与手动清洁的更多优势:

Comparing the Cost to Rent, Lease or Buy a Floor Sweeper or Scrubber


In this article we’ll look at different types of floor sweepers and scrubbers and the best application for different types of units. We'll also compare the cost to rent, lease or buy a floor sweeper / scrubber.

How An Industrial Floor Cleaning Machine Can Pay for Itself

Ask any manager who’s dealt with a major incident or received a fine - nothing is more expensive than regret. Unfortunately, it can be hard to convince decision-makers to invest in new equipment to prevent accidents.

Understandably, managers are focused on improving profits. Shrinking budgets and (what can seem like) competing priorities can cause conflict between EHS managers and other decision-makers, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Industrial floor cleaning machines offer protection against fines and worker injuries and can pay for themselves through reduced labor costs.商业清洁设备就像保险单,也可以改善底线

请继续阅读以获取工业地板清洁机购买的更多方法。请记住,We可以带设备到你的位置ree demo - including ride-on and walk-behind sweepers and automatic scrubbers. Toyota Material Handling Northern California (TMHNC) serves the Bay Area, Salinas and The Central Valley from Sacramento to Fresno.



Once you’ve made the decision tobuy a floor sweeper or scrubber, the next question is:步行或骑行?In today’s post, we’ll review the pros and cons of each option to help you choose the best sweeper or scrubber for your operation.


The new Nilfisk SC50 is the first OSHA-approved autonomous floor scrubber. It’s easy-to-use, runs for six hours on a single charge, and (unlike other autonomous cleaning machines) it doesn’t require a technician or engineer to set it up.

想象一下,如果您的员工不必手动指导地板上的洗涤器,您的员工可以完成多少工作。借助自主洗涤器,操作员可以完成需要人类技能和灵巧性的任务,而Nilfisk Liberty SC50则完成了其余的任务。完成后,机器甚至可以向操作员发送文本 - 最大程度地减少停机时间。

Review: Advance SW8000 Industrial Floor Sweeper

Product Name:进步SW8000
值得注意的功能:Dustguard5-stage dust control system traps dust before it becomes airborne, usesfull-time dust-controlled dual side brooms, 77" sweep path.
$ 35,000- $ 45,000
Options:Kubota liquid propane (LP) gas or diesel motors

Best for:The SW8000 works well indoors or outdoors and is ideal for large (200,000 sq foot) operations such as parking lots, foundries, campuses, stadium concourses or dry food handling areas. It's also a good choice for operations concerned aboutOSHA二氧化硅灰尘合规性

Not recommended for:
This machine is not recommended for wet weather or wet food handling applications. The进步SW8000 only sweeps, and these applications require scrubbing.

View current inventory:
新的库存可用性进步SW8000 floor sweeper
Checkrental inventory for the Advance SW8000地板清扫器。


您希望您的地板清洁60-70%,还是95%的清洁?大多数公司更喜欢95% - 这就是您使用工业地板洗涤器所获得的。用拖把和桶清洁时,清洁越多,水就越脏。工业地板清洁设备始终使用100%清洁水,使地板清洁和更卫生。

尽管前期成本更高,但commercial floor cleaning equipment can quickly pay for itselfover time. For example: an employee with a mop and bucket can clean 4,000-5,000 square feet in one hour. A小的automatic floor scrubber can clean almost 13,000 square feet in the same amount of time. Larger machines can clean more than 100,000 square feet per hour - a hard-working human would need 20 hours to do the same job.



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