Review: Toyota 3-Wheel Electric Forklift

Product Name:Toyota 3 Wheel Electric Forklift
Model Numbers: 8FBE15U-20U, 8FBES15U and 8FBEH18U
Lift Capacity:3000 - 4000 lbs.
Notable feature(s):极端maneuverability, standard wet disc brakes
Price Range:
$27,000 - $34,000
Value for the money:
Optional Features:

Mini levers ergonomic controls
EZ Control joystick
Blue safety light for pedestrians
Rear assist grip with horn button

Best for:These forklifts are uniquely suited fornarrow-aislewarehouses (or any operation with limited space) and barrel operations in wine caves. These machines can turn in less than their own length! Every winery needs one...

Not recommended for:The only downside to these lifts is that they are harder on dock leveler plates and generally require the next weight capacity up.

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Buying Used Pallet Racking in California - What Businesses Need to Know

If you’re running out of space in your warehouse, distribution center, or other facility, adding pallet racking is a cost-effective solution. A custom shelving system allows you to:

  • Maximize storage space
  • Utilize (rather than pay for) empty air
  • Avoid moving to a larger facility

Still, it’s a Catch 22. You have tospendmoney tosavemoney. In the competitive warehousing and logistics industry, businesses may not have the capital to invest in a brand new pallet racking system. So what can you do?

One solution is tosell your existing pallet rackand use the proceeds to buy new racking custom-made for your space. Used pallet racking can be a good way to save money, or lose thousands. Read on to learn how to avoid common pitfalls when buying used pallet racking.

Warehouse Slip Trip and Fall Injury Prevention

In California,
slip-and-fall accidents are the number one workplace injury.
  • 22 percentof incidents resulted in 31+ days away from work
  • 85 percentof worker’s compensation claims were attributed to employees slipping on slick floors
  • In California, injury settlementpayoutsfrom slip and fall lawsuits range from $40,000 to more than $12 million

Cal/OSHA receives more than 20,000 slip and fall injury reports each year, a staggering amount when you consider clean, dry floors can prevent many slip and fall incidents. Slip trip and fall injuries are especially common in warehouse and distribution center environments where:

  • Pallet fragments and other debris create hazardous conditions
  • A distracted worker carrying a box or pick list can overlook an obstruction in their path
  • A visiting staff member wearing leather-soled dress shoes may slip on a dusty floor

The best way to keep your floors safe for employees and visitors is withcleaning equipmentdesigned for warehouses and distribution centers -not mops and brooms.

FSMA Requirements: Why Clean Floors are Essential for Food Processing Plants

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Compliance and Certification are designed to prevent foodborne illnesses. Unfortunately,
bacterial contamination remains a leading cause of FDA recalls.

Foodcontamination from Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria monocytogenes has actually increasedin recent years - from 28 percent of food recalls to over 31 percent. With all the rules and requirements, how is this still a problem?

How to Choose the Right Floor Scrubber Machine

Drop the Mop!Save Time and Get Cleaner Floors With a Power Scrubber. Sticky sodas and greasy drips create a safety hazard for employees and make a poor impression with customers. Things run better in a clean environment, but it can be hard to maintain.

即使低流量走廊积累一个令人惊讶的amount of grime that can’t be removed with a mop; break rooms and lobbies are often twice as bad. Maintaining floors with a mop and elbow grease is time-consuming and just can’t get floors as clean as afloor scrubber machine.

Advantages of Floor Cleaning Machines vs. Manual Cleaning

Brooms and mops may seem like a smart way to save money, but for many businesses, the labor costs associated with manual cleaning are far greater than buying an industrial floor cleaning machine. To put it bluntly, just because you're saving money on equipment doesn’t mean you’re saving money.

Commercial cleaning equipmentcan eliminate dirt, dust, grease and grime in a fraction of the time it takes someone to sweep or scrub the area manually. Today’s auto-scrubbers and industrial sweepers are whisper quiet, have long-lasting batteries and eliminate the safety hazards associated with mops and brooms.

Time is money, and if you have a large area to keep clean, mops and brooms are inefficient. They also:

Industrial cleaning equipment can quickly pay for itself. Learn more about the advantages of using a commercial floor cleaning machine versus manual cleaning with a mop or broom:

Comparing the Cost to Rent, Lease or Buy a Floor Sweeper or Scrubber

A clean floor is the sign of a professional operation. Though more expensive than a mop or broom, floor scrubbers and sweepers give your business that professional look with less time and elbow grease. Not to mention, they leave your floorsmuchcleaner!

In this article we’ll look at different types of floor sweepers and scrubbers and the best application for different types of units. We'll also compare the cost to rent, lease or buy a floor sweeper / scrubber.

How An Industrial Floor Cleaning Machine Can Pay for Itself

Ask any manager who’s dealt with a major incident or received a fine - nothing is more expensive than regret. Unfortunately, it can be hard to convince decision-makers to invest in new equipment to prevent accidents.

Understandably, managers are focused on improving profits. Shrinking budgets and (what can seem like) competing priorities can cause conflict between EHS managers and other decision-makers, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Industrial floor cleaning machines offer protection against fines and worker injuries and can pay for themselves through reduced labor costs.Commercial cleaning equipment is like an insurance policy that also improves the bottom line.

Read on for more ways to get buy-in for an industrial floor cleaning machine purchase. Keep in mind, we can bring any equipment to your location for a free demo - including ride-on and walk-behind sweepers and automatic scrubbers. Toyota Material Handling Northern California (TMHNC) serves the Bay Area, Salinas and The Central Valley from Sacramento to Fresno.

Benefits of Planned Maintenance for Electric Forklifts

Does it make sense to buy planned maintenance for an electric forklift? Good question.

One of the (many) reasons
electric forklifts outsell diesel, or LP forkliftsis because they cost less to maintain. So what are the benefits of planned maintenance for low-maintenance equipment?

First off,electric forkliftshave wearable parts (tires, brakes, chains, forks, hoses) that need to be inspected and periodically replaced, just like any other forklift. Also, you can think of planned maintenance as a thorough safety check every 90 days. A factory-trained forklift technician will inspect the lift trucks’ safety features (chains, electrical system, lights), in addition to its accessories and any attachments.

The forklift technician can also confirm if theforklift’s batteryis being maintained properly by operators. Last but not least, your team members can ask the technician questions and mention things they've noticed about the truck's performance.

Walk-Behind vs. Ride-On Floor Cleaning Equipment

Commercial floor sweepers and scrubbers are a cost-effective way to eliminate dirt, dust, grime and germs. Studies have shown that labor costs represent about 90% of the total cost to maintain floors, and an industrial cleaning machine allows operators to clean more in less time.

Once you’ve made the decision tobuy a floor sweeper or scrubber, the next question is:walk-behind or ride-on?In today’s post, we’ll review the pros and cons of each option to help you choose the best sweeper or scrubber for your operation.


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